Saturday, January 29, 2011

Wendy's Steakhouse Baconator...

F***in HUGE!! Haha. Had this for Dinner. Pricey tho. A meal would cost you around P250.00 for their regular size. I went BIGGIE!! Haha. It is made up of 2 Burger Patties, 2-3 slices of Bacon, and Mushroom Gravy w/ real Mushrooms. The bread was kinda dry tho. Anyway the burger was good but for me it REALLY lacks taste. The only thing I tasted was the BIGGIE Coke. Even their Fries wasnt that good. No salt. I would go for it if You guys are into Burgers but I,myself, didnt much enjoy it. I would rather pick BURGER KING than WENDY'S. I love Burgers and it was somewhat Disappointing.

Jap lunch with Sinigang na Hipon..

Had a great lunch. Prawn Tempura and Daing Tempura. Also had a Filipino favorite : Sinigang na Hipon. Comment for the Daing Tempura the saltiness of the Daing was gone. Even the Prawn Tempura had no taste. The cook used the instant Tempura batter thats why it had no taste. You can use the instant one but i suggest that you add salt and pepper coz its just plain batter. Anyway the Sinigang was great. Could have been more sour but overall great.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Just had Fried Chicken for dinner...

Chicken was yummy. Had a crunch to it. Lacks saltiness. But good though.

Some tips you may want to know :
  1. For flavor marinate in calamansi and salt.
  2. Use eggyolk not eggwhite before coating in flour for more browning ( learn that from my Dad )
    Happy Eating :D

    First blog...

    Hi guys. Thanks for checkin out my blog. Im here to show you bout places where food is really worth your penny. Whether it is expensive or cheap ill give my comments about the food. Not sayin you guys should take my comments seriously, but ill give my thoughts and opinions on the food. Thanks!